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10 Reasons I am Against the Death Penalty

Dear Reader,

The issue of the death penalty has come up again recently and is presently being debated on at  

10 Reasons I am against the death penalty... (aside from the fact that it is morally wrong to kill someone).

1. If the person was wrongly accused, a reversal of the verdict cannot bring the person back.

2. Studies show the death penalty doesn't reduce the crime rate. U.S. research show that regions with no death penalty have consistently lower homicide rates compared to states with it in place.

3. People with insufficient funds, being unable to get good lawyers can easily be convicted.

4. If we, as a nation approve this bill, our taxes will fund this act, making us co-perpetrators. A quote says it well, "Why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong?"

5. I don't want to give the government the power to kill people. 

Sorry I still have trust issues.

6. "Imposing a death sentence as a consequence of killing wrongly perpetuates a cycle of violence in our community," said Rev. Rene Robert who worked with criminals with mental health issues and was eventually killed by one of them. He asked that the Governor “take whatever action is necessary” to prevent any person convicted of his murder from being executed. “During my life," he wrote, "I want to feel confident that under no circumstances whatsoever will my death result in the capital punishment of another human being.”

7. Some victims and their families have expressed that healing didn't take place when the criminal was killed and some even experienced regret.

8. "Revenge" isn't a good idea.

9. I believe you can still find God even if you are a hardened criminal and have a changed life (even behind bars).

10. Of course... LIFE is sacred, a gift from God that only God has the right to take.

What do you think about the Death Penalty?


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